Law Offices of J. Stewart Moore P.C.
Firm Overview
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For over a decade we have served the Long Island community. We have represented all types of clients including individuals, home-owners, corporations, civic organizations and religious entities. We work hard for our clients. Our primary practice areas include criminal, civil and municipal law.


Mr. Moore has a deep understanding of criminal law and has a track record of getting favorable outcomes for his clients. He has criminal defense experience in both New York State Courts and Federal Courts in defending matter ranging from drug and DUI charges to domestic disputes. Mr. Moore personally understands the devastating impact that a criminal record can have on an individual, their family and their community.


Mr. Moore has more than 30 years of mortgage default advocacy experience. He has worked as a Legislative Assistant to a U.S. Congressman. One of his prinicipal duties as a Legislative Assistant was to work as a counselor with the Department of Housing and Urban Development. We have successfully represented numerous homeowners with mortgage foreclosures.


Most recently, Mr. Moore has engaged in civil matters representing a civic organization in a Voting Rights challenge and flood victims seeking damages from the Town of Riverhead. Mr. Moore has also recently represented attorneys facing discipline at the hands of the Grievance Committee.


